High Scores
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Overall Score
140501. | Trinity Quillitch | 18250 |
140502. | Donnab | 18250 |
140503. | Justin | 18250 |
140504. | Cindy | 18250 |
140505. | Caitlyn | 18250 |
140506. | Ruby | 18250 |
140507. | Hi | 18250 |
140508. | Hoda | 18250 |
140509. | Jake | 18250 |
140510. | Karyn | 18250 |
140511. | Hogan | 18250 |
140512. | Emma | 18250 |
140513. | Lulabelle | 18250 |
140514. | Paula | 18250 |
140515. | aelliott3546 | 18250 |
140516. | Maggie | 18250 |
140517. | Nick Carney | 18250 |
140518. | Cat Maje | 18250 |
140519. | Christina | 18250 |
140520. | Nickie | 18250 |
140521. | PrincessPunish | 18250 |
140522. | Dave | 18250 |
140523. | Jenna | 18250 |
140524. | Nick | 18250 |
140525. | SEN | 18250 |
140526. | Gazdean | 18250 |
140527. | Sasha | 18250 |
140528. | Allison Renee | 18250 |
140529. | Shonna | 18250 |
140530. | Sarbturbo | 18250 |
140531. | Lala | 18250 |
140532. | Eric s | 18250 |
140533. | Karoon | 18250 |
140534. | LeanneHBrook | 18250 |
140535. | Tab | 18250 |
140536. | Devin | 18250 |
140537. | HannahKemp | 18250 |
140538. | Chris | 18250 |
140539. | Dad | 18250 |
140540. | KatNav | 18250 |
140541. | Roger | 18250 |
140542. | Hunnibunniset | 18250 |
140543. | Sora3Ben | 18250 |
140544. | Toddley | 18250 |
140545. | Matt | 18250 |
140546. | Tredawg | 18250 |
140547. | Debbi | 18250 |
140548. | rachel | 18250 |
140549. | Donna | 18250 |
140550. | Jobe35 | 18250 |
140551. | Mariam | 18250 |
140552. | Circless | 18250 |
140553. | Maggie | 18250 |
140554. | Jeff | 18250 |
140555. | Kim | 18250 |
140556. | K | 18250 |
140557. | Rabbittits | 18250 |
140558. | Alex | 18250 |
140559. | NJ | 18250 |
140560. | GeekDaddyTX | 18250 |
140561. | Bombers12 | 18250 |
140562. | Cfmullen | 18250 |
140563. | Kristin | 18250 |
140564. | Lisa | 18250 |
140565. | Dyg | 18250 |
140566. | Tkdturtle | 18250 |
140567. | Fjejs | 18250 |
140568. | Nikl yo | 18250 |
140569. | Ecka4x4 | 18250 |
140570. | Brian | 18250 |
140571. | inkedWSO | 18250 |
140572. | Mandypony | 18250 |
140573. | Tino | 18250 |
140574. | Christina | 18250 |
140575. | Ch1venom | 18250 |
140576. | Bridget | 18250 |
140577. | Earlish | 18250 |
140578. | Jennifer | 18250 |
140579. | Wyldeindigo | 18250 |
140580. | Joy | 18250 |
140581. | Holly Teems | 18250 |
140582. | S | 18250 |
140583. | Zoat | 18250 |
140584. | CrisAaron | 18250 |
140585. | Cmorphis | 18250 |
140586. | Diane | 18250 |
140587. | Daphne | 18250 |
140588. | Pam | 18250 |
140589. | Traci | 18250 |
140590. | Jibbs | 18250 |
140591. | Aone | 18250 |
140592. | Sarah l | 18250 |
140593. | Carson Heady | 18250 |
140594. | Slednecks93 | 18250 |
140595. | Vagabondette | 18250 |
140596. | Chrs10b | 18250 |
140597. | Lenny | 18250 |
140598. | WendyZ | 18250 |
140599. | Corazondel | 18250 |
140600. | Sk | 18250 |
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