High Scores

High Score Lists


Total Score: 569750 Overall Rank: 10946
Level Rank Score % Medals
Tutorial 173964 1250 100 Gold Completage Medal
Savor the Flavor 127056 17000 100 Gold Completage Medal
Crazy 96644 35000 100 Gold Completage Medal
Forces of Nature 85499 24750 100 Gold Completage Medal
Ants in the Pants 79234 32750 100 Gold Completage Medal
X Marks the Spot 80208 17250 100 Gold Completage Medal
The Four Seasons 10312 40750 100 Gold Completage Medal
Around the House 35496 14000 100 Gold Completage Medal
Tic Tac Toe 14632 11000 100 Gold Completage Medal
Remember to Tip 19148 26250 100 Gold Completage Medal
Criminal Investigation 2256 30750 100 Gold Completage Medal
This and That 1765 37500 100 Gold Completage Medal
Nursery Rhymes 1604 40000 100 Gold Completage Medal
Vampires 941 27000 100 Gold Completage Medal Bronze Speed Medal
Witches 909 28750 100 Gold Completage Medal Bronze Speed Medal
Seams Two Bee? 84 37500 100 Gold Completage Medal Silver Speed Medal
Hair Loss 98 37500 100 Gold Completage Medal Silver Speed Medal
Down Pour 103 30250 100 Gold Completage Medal Bronze Speed Medal
Valentine's Day 33504 4000 100 Gold Completage Medal
Merry Christmas 7045 14000 100 Gold Completage Medal
Bonus Land 12814 29250 100 Gold Completage Medal
The Great Pumpkin 7027 33250 100 Gold Completage Medal
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