High Scores

High Score Lists


Total Score: 1241080 Overall Rank: 4525
Level Rank Score % Medals
Tutorial 160457 1250 100 Gold Completage Medal
Savor the Flavor 113975 17000 100 Gold Completage Medal
Crazy 85273 35000 100 Gold Completage Medal
Forces of Nature 75017 24750 100 Gold Completage Medal
Ants in the Pants 69013 32750 100 Gold Completage Medal
X Marks the Spot 78986 17250 100 Gold Completage Medal
The Four Seasons 9038 40750 100 Gold Completage Medal
Around the House 31340 14000 100 Gold Completage Medal
The Black Box 6863 43500 100 Gold Completage Medal
Tic Tac Toe 12895 11000 100 Gold Completage Medal
A Sailor's Tale 5877 42500 100 Gold Completage Medal
Popular Websites 4558 36000 100 Gold Completage Medal
Black Gold 8146 13750 100 Gold Completage Medal
Oz 8060 46250 100 Gold Completage Medal
Remember to Tip 17810 26250 100 Gold Completage Medal
Sources of Inspiration 16386 33000 100 Gold Completage Medal
Reality Shows 7263 60000 100 Gold Completage Medal
Halloween 5606 46250 100 Gold Completage Medal
A for Effort 4832 36000 100 Gold Completage Medal
The Owl 4838 33750 100 Gold Completage Medal
Nuclear Meltdown 2953 26250 100 Gold Completage Medal
Mind over Matter 5125 33250 100 Gold Completage Medal
Bill 3388 34500 100 Gold Completage Medal
Shakespeare 2867 37000 100 Gold Completage Medal
Through the Ages 2891 33000 100 Gold Completage Medal
Pirates 3157 29750 100 Gold Completage Medal
Simpsons 4124 38250 100 Gold Completage Medal
The Butler Did It 3003 35500 100 Gold Completage Medal
The Yard 2705 37000 100 Gold Completage Medal
Wizards 3531 45250 100 Gold Completage Medal
Millennium 2757 31000 100 Gold Completage Medal
Fantasy Land 628 47500 100 Gold Completage Medal Bronze Speed Medal
Broadway 788 36750 100 Gold Completage Medal Bronze Speed Medal
It's All Obsolete 611 30250 100 Gold Completage Medal Bronze Speed Medal
Best-Selling Singles 534 29580 86 Silver Completage Medal
Valentine's Day 29420 4000 100 Gold Completage Medal
Merry Christmas 3583 14000 100 Gold Completage Medal
Bonus Land 10201 29250 100 Gold Completage Medal
The Great Pumpkin 4980 33250 100 Gold Completage Medal
Easy Peasy 2713 24750 100 Gold Completage Medal
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