High Scores

High Score Lists


Total Score: 987750 Overall Rank: 5989
Level Rank Score % Medals
Tutorial 146221 1250 100 Gold Completage Medal
Savor the Flavor 99969 17000 100 Gold Completage Medal
Crazy 73110 35000 100 Gold Completage Medal
Forces of Nature 63998 24750 100 Gold Completage Medal
Ants in the Pants 58281 32750 100 Gold Completage Medal
X Marks the Spot 64195 17250 100 Gold Completage Medal
The Four Seasons 6659 40750 100 Gold Completage Medal
The Black Box 4438 43500 100 Gold Completage Medal
Popular Websites 3345 36000 100 Gold Completage Medal
Oz 5597 46250 100 Gold Completage Medal
Cities of the World 3892 41750 100 Gold Completage Medal
Symbol of a Nation 3485 33250 100 Gold Completage Medal
Thanksgiving 3316 30000 100 Gold Completage Medal
The Color of a Coward 3111 32750 100 Gold Completage Medal
The Passport 2996 26750 100 Gold Completage Medal
Leather and Lace 2397 35750 100 Gold Completage Medal
Tools 2448 33250 100 Gold Completage Medal
Simpsons 2065 38250 100 Gold Completage Medal
Chess 769 41000 100 Gold Completage Medal Bronze Speed Medal
The Gingerbread House 240 33500 100 Gold Completage Medal Bronze Speed Medal
Cosmos 385 32500 100 Gold Completage Medal Bronze Speed Medal
Flower 35 40250 100 Gold Completage Medal Silver Speed Medal
The Coffeehouse 95 34500 100 Gold Completage Medal Silver Speed Medal
Houston 40 33500 100 Gold Completage Medal Silver Speed Medal
Surf and Turf 1084 36000 100 Gold Completage Medal
Wildlife 44 34750 100 Gold Completage Medal Silver Speed Medal
Generic Trademarks 333 43250 100 Gold Completage Medal Bronze Speed Medal
Valentine's Day 20403 4000 100 Gold Completage Medal
Bonus Land 6029 29250 100 Gold Completage Medal
The Great Pumpkin 1308 33250 100 Gold Completage Medal
Easy Peasy 212 25750 100 Gold Completage Medal Bronze Speed Medal
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