High Scores

High Score Lists


Total Score: 308780 Overall Rank: 20171
Level Rank Score % Medals
Tutorial 95347 1250 100 Gold Completage Medal
Savor the Flavor 59796 17000 100 Gold Completage Medal
Crazy 42303 35000 100 Gold Completage Medal
Forces of Nature 74917 24750 100 Gold Completage Medal
Ants in the Pants 68918 32750 100 Gold Completage Medal
X Marks the Spot 75156 17250 100 Gold Completage Medal
At the Movies 3660 32250 100 Gold Completage Medal
USA 6962 28000 100 Gold Completage Medal
Colors 9225 31750 100 Gold Completage Medal
The Four Seasons 8372 40750 100 Gold Completage Medal
Oz 7427 46250 100 Gold Completage Medal
At the Movies 2 7573 250 0
Wonders of Nature 5430 1530 4
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